Phân tích tình hình tiêu thụ kháng sinh tại Bệnh viện Bạch Mai giai đoạn 2013 – 2019 bằng hệ thống phân loại AWaRe

Tác giả: Nguyễn Hoàng Anh, Dương Văn Quang, Vũ Đình Hòa Bùi Thị Ngọc Thực, Nguyễn Tiến Phương, Nguyễn Thu Minh Cẩn Tuyết Nga, Dương Đức Hùng, Nguyễn Hoàng Anh Ngô Quý Châu, Nguyễn Quang Tuấn


As antibiotic consumption surveillance plays a pivotal role in guiding antimicrobial stewardship activities, and
recently the WHO has classified key antibiotics into three categories (AWaRe) to improve access (Access),
monitor important antibiotics (Watch) and preserve effectiveness of “last resort” antibiotics (Reserve), …

this classification was adopted to analyze the antibiotic consumption characteristics in Bach Mai Hospital during
the period of 2013-2019. Daily doses (DDD)/100 bed-days were defined from the data of medicine consumption
extracted from pharmacy dispensing databases. Average antibiotics consumption was 50 DDD/100 bed-days and
much higher in the Departments of Infectious diseases (179.0), Intensive Care Unit (134.5) and Respiratory Center
(130.4 DDD/100 bed-days). Watch- and reserve-group of antibiotics accounted for 66.6 % and 2.1 % of the total
antibiotic use, respectively. The use of second and third-generation cephalosporins, fluoroquinolons was the most
common as “Watch” antibiotics, while the consumption of “Reserve” group agents, including linezolid and colistin,
was considerably high in the Intensive Care Unit and Dermatology Departments. These findings provided evidences
and basis for improvement of antimicrobial stewardship activities in the hospital, and proved WHO AWaRe antibiotic
categories practically applicable to analysis of antibiotic consumption data in hospital.
Keywords: Antibiotic consumption, DDD/100 bed-days, WHO AWaRe classification, Bach Mai hospital